Our Primary student instrumental music scholarship is available to students entering Year 5 at CGS at the beginning of the school year and will apply for the duration of the student's time in Primary School.

This Scholarship has been developed by Court Grammar School and is supported by Ken & Lorraine Court on behalf of Sir Charles Court. It is designed to encourage and support students who desire to or are currently learning an instrument through the Music Tuition program. Instruments available for application are:

  • Piano
  • Drums
  • Guitar
  • Voice
  • Violin

This scholarship provides up to 100% reduction of music tuition fees and is awarded annually to the most deserving student who meets the above criteria. Applicants are required to have an interview, with their family, conducted by the School Principal.

Who can apply:

This scholarship is open to new and current students of Court Grammar School entering Year 5 at the start of the year (current Year 4 students).

How to apply:

Complete section 1 and 2 of the Scholarships & Bursaries document and return to the school by the closing date below. If external students wish to apply, you must be enrolled first.

Closing date: 24 June 2025

Return forms in an envelope (marked "Confidential) addressed to:

Court Grammar School

Attention: Rebecca Kelly

Locked Bag 1



Return to Administration Office addressed to Scholarships Officer


Email completed forms to: Scholarships@cgs.wa.edu.au  

Once the closing date has passed and all paperwork has been received, families of applicants will be contacted to arrange an audition and an interview with School Principal time and day for an interview.

Cost: There is no cost involved in applying for this bursary.

Number of bursaries available:

Year 41

Note: Total discounts including sibling discounts, scholarships and bursaries are capped at 50% unless stated otherwise.